Why Air coming out of eye socket when blowing the nose

Md Kamruzzaman Rifat

Ever noticed something odd when you blow your nose? Well, here’s a peculiar thing – for some folks, the air slips out of their eye socket during this everyday nose-blowing routine, creating a surprising and unusual situation.

In this blog, we’ll explore this eye-catching event of air coming out of your eye socket when you blow your nose, uncovering the science behind it and what it means for your eye health. So, let’s dive into this intriguing topic!

In our previous blog, we talked about “Unlocking the Power of Vitamins for Eustachian Tube Dysfunction” which is very helpful for our health care.

What is Air Coming out of the Eye Socket?

When air comes out of the eye socket, it’s not normal. The eye socket is meant to keep the eye safe, and air escaping from it can be a sign of a severe problem like a broken bone. 

This needs quick medical help to figure out why it’s happening and to treat it. Ignoring it could lead to more issues or infections. So, if you notice air coming out of your eye socket, see a doctor right away to get it checked and treated.

Understanding Air Escape from Eye Socket When Blowing Nose

When you blow your nose hard, sometimes you might feel air coming out near your eye. This happens because your nose and eyes are connected inside your head. 

When you blow your nose, some air can move from your nose to the area around your eye. It’s a bit unusual, but it’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a reminder of how our body parts are linked together, even in surprising ways.

Why Does Air Escape from the Eye Socket During Nose Blowing?

When you blow your nose, the air sometimes escapes from the eye socket. This happens because our nose and eyes are connected by a tiny canal called the nasolacrimal duct. When you blow your nose forcefully, it can temporarily increase the pressure in your nasal passages. 

This pressure can push air and mucus up into the nasolacrimal duct, causing some air to escape through the tear ducts and into the eye socket. It’s a normal and harmless phenomenon, but it can feel a bit odd when it happens!

Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye Socket

The eye socket, also known as the orbit, is a complex structure essential for protecting and supporting the eyeball. Here’s a brief overview of its anatomy and physiology:

  • Bony Framework: The orbit consists of seven bones, including the frontal, zygomatic, maxillary, sphenoid, and lacrimal bones, which form a protective cavity for the eye.
  • Muscle Attachment: Several eye muscles, including the extraocular muscles, attach to the eye socket’s walls. These muscles control eye movement.
  • Eyelids and Eyelashes: The eyelids safeguard the eye, and eyelashes help prevent foreign objects from entering. Blinking helps distribute tears for lubrication.
  • Lacrimal Gland: The lacrimal gland, located above the eye, produces tears that keep the eye moist and flush away debris.
  • Nerves and Blood Vessels: The orbit houses important nerves (optic nerve) and blood vessels (ophthalmic artery and vein) that supply the eye with nutrients and transmit visual information to the brain.
  • Fat and Connective Tissues: These provide cushioning and support for the eyeball within the socket.
  • Tear Drainage: Tear fluid drains into the nasal cavity through the nasolacrimal duct, ensuring proper moisture levels.

Understanding the eye socket’s anatomy and physiology is crucial for diagnosing and treating eye-related conditions and maintaining overall eye health.

Eye Socket Air Release: Causes and Concerns

Eye socket air release is common, caused by trapped air and benign activities. It’s generally not concerning, but consult a doctor if issues persist.


  • Sneezing: Forceful sneezing can push air into the sinuses.
  • Nose blowing: Blowing your nose can introduce air into sinus passages.
  • Coughing: Vigorous coughing can also force air into the sinuses.


  • Usually Harmless: Eye socket air release is generally harmless.
  • Rare Occurrence: It’s not common and happens sporadically.
  • Mild Surprise: May startle you due to an unexpected sound.
  • No Need to Worry: If it occurs occasionally without pain or vision issues, no cause for concern.
  • Consult if Frequent: Seek medical advice if it happens often or with discomfort.

Why does air come out of my eye socket?

Air coming from your eye socket is unusual and might result from a tear connecting your nose and eye area. This condition, known as a naso-orbital fistula, needs medical attention, possibly surgery, to fix and prevent problems. Consulting a doctor is essential if you experience this.

How do I know I have air in my eye?

Detecting air in your eye can be a concerning experience, as it may be a sign of a potential issue or injury. Here are several points to help you identify if you might have air in your eye: 

  • Pain or Discomfort: If your eye suddenly hurts or feels uncomfortable, it could be a sign of air inside.
  • Redness: Check for redness in the affected eye, which may indicate irritation.
  • Watery Eyes: Excess tears might be produced to flush out the foreign substance, causing watery eyes.
  • Blurry Vision: Sometimes, having air in your eye can make your vision blurry.
  • Fullness or Pressure: You may feel like something is pressing on your eye.
  • Difficulty Blinking: Blinking might be uncomfortable or cause dryness.
  • Foreign Body Sensation: It may feel like something foreign is in your eye.
  • Increased Blinking: You might blink more to ease the discomfort.
  • Eye Fatigue: Your eye may get tired more quickly.
  • Visible Bubbles: You might see tiny bubbles on your eye’s surface.

If you notice these signs, don’t wait – seek medical help promptly from an eye specialist to address the issue.

Treatment and Management

When air comes out of the eye socket while blowing your nose, it might feel weird but it is usually not a big problem. This happens because the nose and eye areas are connected. 

To deal with it, blow your nose gently and avoid doing it too hard. If it keeps happening or hurts a lot, talk to a doctor. 

Sometimes, it could mean a minor issue like a tear in the eye socket lining, but usually, it’s not severe and will go away on its own if you’re careful when blowing your nose.

Experiences and Personal Stories

When I blew my nose hard, I suddenly felt something weird near my eye socket. Surprised, I slowed down, but the strange sensation remained. I realized that the force had pushed air into my tear duct, causing an odd feeling near my eye.

It wasn’t painful, just uncomfortable. I learned that our nasal passages and tear ducts are connected, letting air pass between them. It was a strange reminder of how our body’s parts are linked. Since then, I’ve been more careful when blowing my nose to avoid that unusual feeling in my eye socket.


In conclusion, when you blow your nose, sometimes air can come out of your eye socket. This happens because your nose and eyes are connected by a tiny tube called the nasolacrimal duct.

 While it might seem strange, it’s usually not a big problem and goes away on its own. However, if it keeps happening a lot or causes discomfort, it’s a good idea to see a doctor to make sure everything is okay.

This shows how our body is pretty amazing with its hidden connections, even when we’re just doing something as simple as blowing our nose.

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